Post a record of a 5S process that you have completed. Post a before and after picture. Also, post a short narrative of how you addressed each of the 8s's of the 5S process.
I chose to do my 5S process on cleaning my room in my apartment because I could barely get to my desk after clothes had built up on the floor.
Sorting (Seiri):
Seiri is about eliminating all unnecessary things, keeping only essential items. I cleaned out my desk and got rid of any papers or post it notes that I didn't need anymore. It actually saved me a lot of space afterwards.
Straightening or setting in order/ Stabilize (Seiton):
Seiton is about there being a place for everything and everything being in that place. I organized all of my clothes and shoes. I hung up the shirts according to color and then hung up the nice pants. My casual pants were folded and put in the hang up shelves according to color. I did the same with my shoes. Other things were put into the correct drawers and sections in my closet.
Sweeping or shining or cleanliness/systematic cleaning (Seiso):
Seiso is about a clean workspace and keeping it clean and organized. I decided to clean out my desk and organize everything so that it was organized so that I could find stuff easier. Each drawer contains a different group of things so that I know what will be in each.
Standardizing (Seiketsu):
Seiketsu is about standardizing which is what I did with cleaning otu each drawer of my desk and nightstand.
Sustaining the discipline or self-discipline (Shitsuke)
Shitsuke is about maintaining these standards. I made a promise to myself that every night after practice I will pick up any clothing or anything that is on my floor or bed and put it in the correct spot.
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