What would a penny weigh picked up from the sidewalk?
What would a 1908 penny weigh?
What would a 1793 penny weigh?
The group I was in looked at what year the penny was made and what shape it is in to determine how much the penny from the sidewalk would weigh. We looked into the difference between the mass of a new penny and the weight, because there is a difference. From that we found that a 1908 penny weighed .00686lbs or had a mass of 3.11g. We also found the weight of the 1793 penny, which was .02972lbs or the mass was 13.48g. We went into detail about the pennies and their composition changes throughout the years and the changes in mass. Briefly, we talked about how tarnishing/ corrosion can affect the weight of the penny too.
I think my group did a good job of distinguishing the difference between weight and mass of pennies. As with most of the other groups, we should have focused more on the questions and less on the history of the penny. We should have only had one presenter that was good at speaking instead of trying to get everyone to speak, since some people aren't the best at being loud and getting the information across.